Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gingrich Gets Glittered

   On Tuesday, Minnesota activist Nick Espinosa surprised Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and current wife Callista at a book signing, covering the pair with a box's worth of rainbow glitter ( The stunt was a tasteful, if inappropriate, lampooning of Newt, his homophobic platform, and the anti-gay conference that brought him to town. This type of comedic criticism can prove more effective than traditional rhetoric, which too often fails to turn heads.
   Such an embarrassing moment comes at an especially bad time for Gingrich. Last week, a Republican voter in Iowa greeted the candidate with a bold, in-your-face condemnation of his candidacy and Gingrich's recent criticism of Congressman Paul Ryan's proposed healthcare plan. The video ( ends with the anonymous man calling Newt "an embarrassment to our party" as Gingrich attempts to exit the uncomfortably one-sided handshake. Newt, in his attempt to come off as a moderate, has succeeded in alienating just about everyone that could help him win the GOP nomination.
   Gingrich's falling flat comes as welcome news to Democrats, who feel more secure than ever in Obama's ability to win reelection. Gingrich was seen as one of the few Republicans with the critical combination of name recognition, political experience, and fundraising ability. However, with donors falling by the way side and a lack of Tea Party support, the meteoric campaign Newt imagined for himself is quickly becoming a pathetic slide into oblivion, with voters on both sides glad to see him fade from the national spotlight.


  1. Well written. I like it very much

  2. Very insightful & well written. Definitely your mother's son. Keep em' coming!

  3. Har har, I bet he's afraid the dreaded PIE will be waiting at his next stop...

  4. I'm so glad to read your well written blog. I hope you'll share your insights about many issues.
